Monday, November 20, 2006


I won't even make apologies for the length between posts anymore. As far as I can tell, nobody's reading this anyway.

Right now I'm waiting for dinner to finish cooking. I have a few minutes. Once the stuff's in the pot, kimchee nabe doesn't require much more than making sure it doesn't boil over.

I spent all day today cold. Figured it was cold out (it wasn't). Actually, it was pretty nice tepurature-wise. Taka figures I might be sick. I refuse! I've been sick enough this year.

The trip to the store(s) for dinner shopping was once again more than a mile on a bike in the rain. The sage and wise weather forecasters said that last night's rain would end in the morning (it did) and would be followed by party cloudy skies....they must have missed the part about the heavens opening and the deluge of rain that lasted from 2-7 today. I honestly think the head of Japan's meteorological bureau is some old guy with a trick knee. "It don't hurt, so the rain'll stop by morning. Get one of those satellite picture thingies to prove I'm right."

Thank god for spell check...though one of the corrections for "bureau" was "beaver"!

Finished dinner. As usual, enough for four. Tomorrow's lunch (and maybe dinner) are ordained. No complaints here, though. It was great!


Blogger Steve said...

It was supposed to forward this to my e-mail.

Go figure.

That said, glad to hear it. You ever read the other blog?

11:25 PM, November 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm still spying on you!

12:08 PM, December 04, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...

That I'm being spied on doesn't surprise me at all. That it's announced....


11:40 PM, December 12, 2006  

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