Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I've been called on for not updating this for a while (fairly) .

Not too much going on Steve's world recently. Today hasn't been too bad, but it's been HOT!! I've got a couple of jobs tomorrow and Friday and a party on Sunday (Monday starts a four day holiday).

Somebody moved out of the building yesterday, and man, did they pick the wrong movers! The older of the two guys talked like he was inside of a crowded bar even though the day (aside from him) was very quiet. They brought all this stuff downstairs and had to park it in the lobby, because they waited to bring the heavy stuff that had to be in the back of the truck until last. They took longer breaks than I thought possible, and worst of all was the fact that they were practically bouncing furniture off walls. The older guy was obviously drunk off his ass. I'd have been furious.

I will confess to being nosy (although I like think of it as having a curious nature), but in my defense, this computer (my office) has a ground-floor window that faces about everything in the lobby and bike parking area.

The other night I had to endure a 30-minute lecture (in Japanese) by a police officer that was told repeatedly that I don't speak the language. The lecture would have to be titled, "How dangerous it is to ride a bike at night with no headlight". He didn't seem to care that my light had just broken, that I offered to replace it that minute (we were in front of a store) OR the Philippino prostitute soliciting services not 25 feet away. I paid twenty bucks for a new light only to discover the old one worked after all...THEN got hit by a car on my way home!!! (No cops then!).

I wasn't hurt. I was barely touched, though I did fall over. Mostly, I just over-balanced during a fast stop. The girl driving the car was bawling so hysterically, I couldn't even get mad. I just disgustedly said I was fine, picked myself up and rode home. She looked too young to even drive. Except for a slightly sore arm the next day, I barely felt it. That brings my total for being hit by cars in Tokyo to 2. The total for all of Japan is something like 4 (not counting very near-misses). Should I considered my life charmed (still breathing), or cursed (four accidents and more than a few close calls)?

Still thinking about my trip home. It was the best trip back that I can remember. I wish Taka had gone with me.

No pictures to post this time, but I'll try for one or two in the next entry.

Time to shop for dinner

This blog will continue on as a kind of public diary (of sorts). The rest (politics, news, and most "soapbox" stuff) will from here out be at Think About It Now which can be found at: This reminder will be on the next few posts.


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