Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Trip

The trip went like a typhoon. It came, went and was over before I could really even think about it.

I am soo glad I went. I am really glad I spent the better part of my time in the States at my Grandparents' house. It is no stretch to say that it was very comfortable. I even got to meet a lot of my grandparents' neighbors...out under a tree, between houses and overlooking the fairway to a par four hole I never remembered to ask the number of. Those people and that part of my trip re-established my thoughts of an America I thought was long gone. Good people one and all.

I truly enjoyed my time with my grandparents. Even doing the odd chore around the the house and fixing the occassional meal was a treat. I would have to put this trip right at the top of the list of times I've been back to the States. Other highlights included the best crabs I've had in decades and getting to put a face with a name in meeting my Dad's friend Kathy (my new crabs-n-beer buddy...even if her beer of choice is Coors Lite).

The trip ended a little strangely. I discovered (the day before I left) after 12 days that I had lost my passport. That was fun...not! Since I still had my tickets (and my passport is always with them), I can only guess that it had slipped out of the pack while I took it from the seat-front on my last plane in. The airline (which was not even my first call out of what turned into five hours on the phone) found my passport. Some very intellegent and nice woman at BWI received it, did a computer check and saw that I would need it again from Baltimore on the 19th. She set it aside on her desk, waiting for me to call. It stayed there, until she took a day off and someone sent it to Houston, Texas. That's where it was at 5 p.m. on the day before I was to leave for home (at 6 a.m.). They had to fly it to Baltimore in time to meet me at the airport. It was supposed to arrive around 11:30 p.m. when I was supposed to check and make sure it was there. At 12:30, there was nobody in the office...same at 12:45, 1, 1:15...all the way to 2:30 (which is when the office at BWI was suppossed to close). Each time I called, it was to a 1-800 number and since they won't refer anyone back to a previous operator, I had to go through the whole story from the beginning each time. I was NOT a happy camper!! I ended up just staying up all night since I needed to leave before 5 a.m. (Thanks Brian!!!!).

The passport was there, no problem. Unfortunately all my planned complaints about the screw-up the night before had to be saved. It was the thoughtful, nice lady at the desk when I arrived. Continental doesn't pay her enough.

There was one other interesting (such as it was) end to the trip. My suitcase was 15 pounds overweight. I looked a little stupid with my suitcase open on the floor in front of the check-in area while I transferred 15 pounds of dried beans to my backpack. That said, you can't imagine the savings on those beans...they WILL be enjoyed for some time to come!

I need to get back to see family more often. Next time, I hope Taka can make it too.

This blog will continue on as a kind of public diary (of sorts). The rest (politics, news, and most "soapbox" stuff) will from here out be at Think About It Now which can be found at: This reminder will be on the next few posts.


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