Sunday, June 04, 2006

Things I've seen (1)

No excuses for why I haven't posted in so long. That'll probabably be changing (the postings, not the excuses), so keep checking.

I'm guessing this will be a reaccurring thing in this blog (thus the end of the title). It's just a list of things I've seen in the last two days. I've been in a pretty bad mood and this may reflect that, but I'll try not to overwhealm. It may also reflect how much of a housewife I am...

-Thousands of flowers in hundreds of varieties
-Four people riding bikes while writing cell phone e-mail
-One person writing cell phone e-mail while riding a bike in the rain and holding an umbrella
-A woman who deliberately ran over my foot with a shopping cart (after I stopped and moved over to get out of her way) because another woman was blocking her mad rush forward (she actually hesitated, then pushed forward over my apology)
-Three houses in a row competing over their flowers...making an excellent section of neighborhood
-Trash, yet again, put outside the entrance of my building at least two days early
-Some guy on a scooter for no apparent reason and with no witnesses (he knew of) speed up, then put both hands in the air and keep them there for the duration of speeding through a red light.
-A small, single stalk of celery for $1.50
-The wife of the priest of a neighborhood shrine that recently expanded (We talked...kind of. She was really nice.)
-Close to thirty baseball players in uniform, on bikes, coming straight at me (not a problem, just a little weird for a minute or two)
-A train with a big dent on the front car (don't even want to think about how)
-a shooting star
-Three people (one was that lady with the cart) that were about to give me shit for my comments (some of which were pretty nasty), but stopped when they saw a an angry-looking skin-head foreigner
-At least fifteen cats, basically running wild
-my neighborhood, on a bike, at 4 a.m.
-a minimum of twenty people I could punch if the world was truly fair
-The one-eye guy staring at me again (he doesn't really irritate me, but I do wonder why he always's going on six years now)
-too many people in a frenzied hurry to do what is basically just a daily chore (shopping)
-a very scared door-to-door real estate salesman (he didn't give up over the intercom phone and I gave him a reason not to try this apt. again)
-My face in the mirror...kind of weird as the beard grows back, but I can maybe see why people are afraid when I'm mad...they think I could very well be insane.
-Did I mention flowers?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, my darling nephew, what a strange thing it is how we see ourselves and how others see us. I enjoyed your post on so many levels.

To set the record straight, you were a "dick" only the night you stayed up drinking...something to think about, perhaps? On the other hand, you stayed up in order to make certain your mom and I had our 800+ photos beautifully organized, labeled and securely on CD's that we treasured then and now. It was a labor of kindness for which we both lovingly thank you.

How your mom and I saw our visit:

You and Taka were wonderful hosts and we loved every minute we were with you, even if you two rarely got to spend time alone and we monopolized your bathroom. You took us to so many places we would never have seen without you and the experiences would not have been so memorable if not shared with someone we love. You never seemed bored, tired, dreading another visit to yet another tourist spot, or at least you didn't let it show. You seemed as happy to be there as we were, though you'd been there before and often. And what would I have done without you and Taka when I was sick and needed to find an english-speaking doctor?

As to worrying about your mom and I when we went off for a few days on our own, well, it's never easy to cut those apron strings when the baby birds need to try their wings, but you did just fine and so did we.

You are loved.

5:17 AM, June 05, 2006  

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