Saturday, February 18, 2006

Free comedy

Free, I guess because it isn't meant to be funny (which makes it all the funnier!).

A lawyer apologizes to the Vice President for the trouble he caused when he was shot in the head by Cheney.

How powerful is Cheney?!

Man, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Buddy,

I probably should write to you in an e-mail but I thougt you'd like a posting to your blog...

It seems you haven't had a chance to post anything recently... Is this because you're busy or because you've caught a case of writer's block...
If it's the later, how about the Iran nuclear technology topic so often in the news? I found an interesting little article that could put things into perspective for many people if only they could see the forest for the trees...

For a real fun read, visit the Washington Post site at

Anyway, take care

2:17 AM, March 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me again, yet another article to get your patriotic American blood pumping.
By the way, the commondreams site is something you might be interested in...

2:21 AM, March 02, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...

I haven't been sitting down at the computer as much as before. Partly because I'm trying to force my body into something that at least resembles a semi-normal sleeping pattern, and partly because I'm on even more of a health kick than usual and have been spending more time in the kitchen (and shopping, etc.). God help me when I actually start working out again too!

No writer's block here! If anything I have so many things I want to write about, I don't know which to choose. I mean the VP mistaking a 78 yr. old man for a bird and shooting him in the face, the delay in reporting, the discrepancies in "witness" accounts are all just parts of this one story...and has anyone seen any story about the VP being brought up for even as much as a negligence charge?

Iran and Iraq offer many stories worthy of writing about, as does the recent video release of Bush's pre-Katrina conference which clearly shows that he knowingly and repeatedly lied to the American people after the disaster. Then there's the destruction of the Constitution of the United States. How about the willingness of the president to veto any bill that forbids him from letting his buddies in Dubai run major U.S. ports (remember a time when Americans wanted to do these things for ourselves?)? Voting machines and what I predict will be yet another illegally stolen election due to compramised voting machines (easy to hack, no paper trail) combined with a wide assortment of other illegal dirty tricks is another on my hitlist.

...ah...the list just goes on and on...

I'll be writing something later today or sometime this weekend...but it'll probably be non-political. Too many in a row, and I'll never get anyone in my family to read this blog at all.

6:10 PM, March 03, 2006  

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