Sunday, February 12, 2006

Embarrassment X Ten

Let me start by saying how windy it is today. It's like a typhoon on a sunny day.

I was finishing up shopping for dinner. Thirsty, and needing to mail some postcards, I bought a beer at the 7-11. A bag hanging from each handlebar of the bike, and an open beer in hand; a gust of wind made me grab my hat. That resulted in a most spectacular fall-on-my ass spectacle. The beer shower aside, (I think beer may have gone 20-30 feet) a four year old little girl came up to me to ask if I was okay. Life is not supposed to be like this! I flew out of there so fast, I forgot to send the postcards I went there to mail

As the embarrassment fades and the humor of it all sets butt hurts!!!!! God most certainly has a sense of humor...or at least irony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldn'ttake gods name in vain like that

1:01 AM, March 04, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...

Crediting God's sense of humor (or irony) is hardly taking his/her/their name(s) in vain.


1:59 AM, March 04, 2006  

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