Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Holidays!

Right-wing Christian "activists" need not shop at this site.

I am referring to Christmas, New Year's, Chanukah (which I am told begins on Christmas day this year), Japanese Shogatstu, etc. and I include Kwanza. If I missed apologies.

In the past month or so, I've seen multiple stories from multiple sources (mostly U.S.) dealing with anger over how holiday greetings are delivered (esp. by stores, etc.). I've even seen calls for boycotts. With all that is going on in the world, it seems like a stretch to make an issue over whether a store wishes a "Merry Christmas" or a "Happy Holidays". Most of my Jewish friends and all of my Japanese friends return a "Merry Christmas!" with as much enthusiasm as it was offered, despite the fact they are not Christian

Most of my friends and I laugh at anyone offended by "Happy Holidays!" Even the friends I know that become irritatated over "Merry Xmas" are mostly upset because "Xmas" isn't a word.

My Christian friends realize that as both Christmas and New Year's are holidays, holiday wishes usually include both, so Happy Holidays is not only appropriate, but a lot easier than "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!".

I'll stick with more accurate, shorter, easier and all-inclusive any time. It works from every angle


I truly wish each and every one of you the best of whatever you happen to celebrating!!!!!!


Blogger Steve said...

Christmas in Japan has evolved into something pretty strange. Somehow Christmas Eve is the romantic date night of the year for singles. It beats Valentine's hands down.

Restaurants are booked months in advance and hotels are more fully booked than any other night of the year. All that despite the fact that Christmas day is just another workday. Not a holiday here.

Weird, huh?

12:02 AM, December 26, 2005  
Blogger Kieran said...

I would have to agree. I work for two jewish families that will not let my tell thier children "Happy Holidays" or even mention the possiblility of a holiday in december outside Chanuka. I am not a christian, but my family does force the idea of church on me to my great hatred. But for my employers to day I can't even mention spending time with my family in the context of christmas, or for the daycare I work at to have "winter" activites to avoid the conflict of "religious holidays" is dumb.

People coming up with short forms to avoid religion and being offended by "Happy holidays" is.. well.. bahumbug

9:31 AM, December 30, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...

Bahumbug, indeed!

Not religous and lacking in the holiday spirit of others. Somehow, I think just simple manners should come into play here. Somewhat old-fashioned, I know...

I'm the only macrobiotic, born-again hippie I know willing to punch-out the fifth or sixth 60+ year old to cut me off or bump into me un-necessarily, I know, and even I can return a holiday greeting in the same spirit it was intended.

Happy Holidays!

3:25 AM, December 31, 2005  

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