Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I wrote this quite a while ago. Thought I'd update it a little and throw it out here. Comments are welcome. Those of you that track my e-mail address back through the link to my web site should know that I only read mail that: a) has an address to respond to and b) includes enough content to not have me just delete it after the first line or two. I like rants better than most, but crave substance rather than obscenity and threats. Thanks!

I did a post on favorites, I guess it's time to do one on beliefs. I've been spending more time than I care to consider on current world events lately. I'll try not to slant this too much in that direction (there will be some though).

I believe that a diet of fresh, unprocessed foods devoid of meat, dairy and eggs is the healthiest thing possible to live on. I believe that seasonal and local food should be the greater part of what you eat everyday. I believe that chemicals in food are a bad thing. I believe that people should worry less about weight and more about health. I believe that weight should be less of an issue...except when it comes to health. I believe that exercise is the primary ingredient in any diet meant for weight-loss (my beliefs don't necessarily imply I actually follow them).

I believe that baseball is a great sport (though somewhat under-rated). I believe the majority of the world may actually be right about soccer. I believe I play soccer better than I do baseball but really, really like playing racquetball (and may at some point give squash a try). I believe that people shouldn't be consumed by talking about, or gambling on professional sports (I believe in moderation).

Here's the stuff likely to irritate. I believe that anyone likely to get upset over my political views should just skip this next paragraph.

I believe the current U.S. administration should be held accountable for their actions (the Senate and House of Representatives too, for that matter). I believe the Patriot Act essentially negates most of the Constitution's Bill of Rights. I believe I'll save my thoughts on 9-11 for another time, but I believe that the war in Iraq was unnecessary and entered into by intentional lies. I believe that the greater part of the upper levels of the current administration should be impeached, indicted or otherwise removed from office. I believe that the world is not a safer place because of the United States. I believe that the United States regularly tortures inocent people (often to death). I know that the U.S. just thumbs it's nose at the Geneva Convention (and most other international treaties it has signed onto but has decided it shouldn't still be held accountable to). I believe the U.S. has plans to attack Syria, likely Iran and maybe Venezuela. I beleive that U.S. foreign policies so closely follow Israel's with regards to the Middle East that motives should be examined more closely. I beleive way too much money in aid is delivered to Israel when it could be put to much better use in the U.S. (how many programs have been cut or under-funded since the wars in Afganistan and Iraq?...Sorry! I meant the war on terror). I also beleive that IsraeI-friendly (based?) lobbies are funneling so much money into campain contributions in the States, that politians can't afford to not be swayed by them. I believe the policies of Israel are just so incredibly evil that I don't even want to go into more detail here just now. I believe that this does not in any way make me anti-Semitic! Anti-Israel does not equal anti-Jewish! I believe Americans and Israelis are wonderful people with horrible governments. I believe the U.N. to be a good thing, ignored by too many governments. I have many, many more beleifs about U.S. and world politics, but am already getting carried away here.

I believe in letting everyone have their say, but that inspite of that, I'll be instantly erasing any comments related to that last paragraph that go overboard on foul language (my definition of that is pretty liberal), threaten my life, or basically piss me off (it is my blog after all). Side Note: dissagreeing with me or argueing with me about anything I write doesn't piss me off; on the contrary, I like that kind of thing. How it's done sometimes does piss me off.

I believe that Spam is just utter crap. I can't believe that anyone would fall for half the scams I receive each week by e-mail. I believe malicious Hackers should burn in Hell. I believe I'm better with a computer than I used to be, but need a lot more study to be able to do some of what I'd like. I believe I need a new computer...the newer, faster, and the more peripherals, the better! I believe I shouldn't spend quite so much of my time on the computer.

I believe I've changed a lot. I believe some people think I'm a bit of a nut-case (Hell, I'm told that and worse regularly). I believe I'm a lot more comfortable with my age than I was two years ago. I believe I'll keep my head shaved. I believe (and in fact, am very sure) that I need a new wardrobe. I believe I'm more comfortable around a wider range of people than ever before. I believe in travel, and think it should include a conversation or two with people that live there. I believe I really need to start studying Japanese.

I believe that's more than enough for now.


Blogger Steve said...

I believe I've used the word "believe" so many times in the past few days that I believe I may not actually believe anything!

The whole antibiotics thing sucks. It's like it's not bad enough that you need to take them, but then you can't even take comfort in a drink or two!

I agree that (all-told) it's a very good time to be alive. Don't cringe, but I think I'll actually raise a glass to that!

1:38 PM, November 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go get'em tiger!


12:10 AM, November 10, 2005  

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