Monday, September 19, 2005

House party

Inviting people to your house is very rarely done in Japan. It seems to be even more rare in Tokyo than other places in Japan I've lived. Yesterday, Taka's manager had us over for dinner and drinks. Her husband was out of the country, so it was Taka, a temp worker in their department (although temp workers here would be considered full-time in most countries) and myself.

She was an excellent host. Every dish she had, Taka and I could eat. They were all great and there were several notably wonderful dishes. Taka is actually trying to make one now as I type this. It's funny how many people will apologize for how simple a dish is, when that's what makes it so wonderful.

I try to avoid names other than mine and Taka's here, so some of what I write will sound a bit stilted. Sorry, but the innocent must be protected almost as much as I need to cover my ass.

The condo was on the 31st floor of a building just outside of Tokyo. The view was nothing short of incredible. The balcony view covered more than 180 degrees. I've been to observation lounges, etc., but to have a view that incredible from your living room is just amazing. I wouldn't even need a television. The view would be enough. It was seriously amazing.

The company was great, the was food wonderful, and the alcohol flowed. Taka's co-worker had pictures from her recent trip to Nepal. Her husband is a professional photographer, so they were great! We thought we'd be there just a couple of hours, but had such a good time that we barely made the last train (after arriving around 4:00 p.m.). Truth be told, we needed a taxi for the last little stretch home.

Today was spent mostly relaxing. Had a great dinner (pasta and a spinach salad with a hot oil dressing). Before dinner was a bit of an experience though. Taka wanted to get some Lemon Hart Rum. She had it somewhere recently and wanted to use it to make a Mojito. Hemmingway's favorite drink wouldncha know. Since I have more mint growing out back then I know what to do with, it's a pretty good fit. Her suggestion was that we try a little of it straight first (kind of surprising from her, but I was game). She had a little on the rocks, I did a little half shot straight up.

After gagging, sweating and every effort I could think of to avoid it, I ended up spending ten minutes in the bathroom losing everything I've ever eaten in my life. It was embarrassing for me, and (after the having to listen to me part was over) more than a little amusing for Taka. It seems that Lemon Hart Rum is 151 proof (75.5% alcohol)! Nevertheless, I even shocked myself. When I think of all the nights spent doing shots of tequila chased with beer....Maybe it's the diet, but I suspect I'm just getting old *sigh*. For the next week (minimum), I have to deal with Taka catching my eye, pointing to me, pretending to drink a shot, then laughing. Glad I can make her life more amusing...


Blogger Steve said...

Sad doesn't even begin to describe it. I was out of bed less then ten minutes when Taka offered me a shot of Lemon Hart. This will continue for weeks. She just cracks herself up...

I imagine I could do an audio blog, but I usually charge people big bucks to hear my voice...well, at least when it comes via a microphone. :-)

11:34 AM, September 19, 2005  

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