Saturday, September 10, 2005

Can't resist

I just can't resist sharing the latest thing to shock and disgust me over the Katrina debacle. I'll keep it short.

A Halliburton subsidiary just started dipping into its first of what is likely to be many contracts for the cleanup and rebuilding of New Orleans ($500,000,000). As unbelievable as that is (take a look sometime at how much money they have criminally wasted in Iraq; it involves a few more zeros than already mentioned so far), this is almost old news at this point.

Here's the real kicker: Bush just signed an executive order that allows contractors in the disaster area to pay less than minimum wage.

Giving Halliburton yet another no-bid contract that starts at $500,000,000 isn't enough? He now has to give them the right to pay workers less than minimum wage?

The poor and disenfranchised in New Orleans will never be able to get their heads above water!


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