Friday, August 26, 2005

Weather wizard

Today I found myself walking around Shibuya mid-afternoon in the scorching, blinding sun. Ever the weather wizard, I was without my sunglasses, wearing long pants and carrying an umbrella. If I had been wearing shorts and a t-shirt with my shades on, it would have been snowing.

I was right about the typhoon though. Not much more than some heavy rain and a bit of wind. The day after a typhoon is almost always very hot and sunny. The main up-side is that the air is usually very clean. All the usual Tokyo crap they call air is blown away.

The reason for my attire was a combination of the fact that I had just come from a job and that it was still a little breezy and looked like rain when I left the house this morning. Still, it's gotten to the point where people I work with thank me for bringing an umbrella, which pretty much guarantees no rain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, since all of the normal Tokyo air was blown away I imagine you were able to see as far as Mt. Fujiyama in the morning...
Where are the photos? I want to see more photos... You went to Shibuya and didn't take photos? What's wrong with you. You are supposed to share the current fashions of the young and hip kids in Shibuya! Come on buddy... I'm counting on you! :)
And one more thing, please don't wear shorts... I've seen your legs! Snow would be a blessing in comparison. LOL HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Sorry, I'm sort of goofy today. I don't mean anything I've written... except that I do... hahaha
Take care buddy!

12:40 AM, August 27, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...

Mt. Fujiyama?!

Are you the guy that writes highway signs? Did you also come up with Osakajo Castle and Nara Koen Park?


2:09 AM, August 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why yes, I am one of the people who write Japanese directional markers. While you are busy working on a study guide for exams, I'm busy working on making all translated road signs redundant. :D

8:09 AM, August 27, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...

Good for you!

This country can't get enough redundancy and repetitive items in it's directional markers and highway signs that tell you where things are.

I think your work is great and extremely good. I especially liked: Harimayabashi Bridge and Edogawa River.

On a slightly different note, are you also the one that puts up a sign that says how to get somewhere that puts you on an exit ramp that then takes you the opposite direction (to go off the topic a little)?

11:44 AM, August 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're just plain goofy!
I love it!!!

1:58 PM, August 27, 2005  

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