Monday, August 22, 2005


I think I've pretty much solved the problem of a complete computer freeze when I try to upload images to this blog. I just have to close any program that might be downloading something at the time (music :-( and Mail). Any techfreaks out there are probably just shaking your heads; but hey, with one possible exception, I don't know you anyway!

I'll be taking my lame but dependable (really old) digital camera out with me more often. I'll be able to add some photographic life (such as it is) to the blog. If this causes really long loading times for some of you...SEND ME A COMMENT OF SOME KIND!! (anything would suffice!). Feedback is appreciated!

I can't believe that this is the 12th posting to a site that started Aug 14! Somebody really needs to get a life!

We went to the Nepalese place tonight. I really liked it. Taka thought the food was mediocre. We both liked the atmosphere and staff though. I have no idea how authentic the curry was, but I now know that "Thank you." in Nepalese is "Dhanyabad". They're open for lunch and kind of near a couple of jobs I do, so I'll probably go back sometime. They also said that they'd do a dairy/egg-free nan on any non-weekend day if we call in a request a day early.

(Side Note: I have to be the least photogenic person I know)

I think I still prefer Thai curries. You just gotta love a good sweat when eating dinner. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! You're the second least photogenic person! I know one other person who tops you, me. :D

9:26 PM, August 23, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...

I'd love to beg to differ, but that would depend on who you are!

The only way to disallow anonymous comments is to make everyone that posts join Blogger. The the family that hasn't commented on anything so far would never do so.


1:03 AM, August 24, 2005  

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