Sunday, August 21, 2005

newsaholic tendencies

I have discovered that I am a newsaholic.

That's right, "Hi, I'm Steve and I'm a newsaholic." (a "Hi Steve!" reverberates through the room). This post is just to announce my newsaholic tendencies. It will set you up for future posts that you may want to ignore if you are pro-Bush, or pro-most anything to do with the current U.S. administration though.

Side Note: As always, any post that might offend or cause excessive stress will come with a warning at the top. I can foresee three blogs in the future. One for daily stuff, one for health, food and diet stuff and one for political stuff. In the meantime, this'll kind of balance the three as I find my way.

My computer time usually starts with a check of e-mail. Unfortunately, that mostly amounts to a fast scan and faster purge of the many spams I get a day (the average is about 150/day, and even that is down from the 300/day I used to get). It sounds bad, but actually only takes me about 20 seconds. Something like 95% of my spam isn't even addressed to me. My domain name ( was previously owned by someone that apparently used it as an e-mail site for six people...I get all their spam. Part of my e-mail includes NY Times headlines. I just scan those, but like the food articles, the editorial and OP-ED, sections

I then go straight to Google news for a quick scan of MSM (mainstream media). After that, I head to (linked on this blog with permission as: WRH). I can spend quite a while there depending on what's up in the world. I also check out a site called, but haven't linked it yet because I haven't asked permission. I also like anything from, but he hasn't been posting very often recently due to his speaking tour in the States.

I can kill multiples of hours doing little more than reading the news (it certainly doesn't hurt that the music in here is above average). News-wise, I tend to lean toward the fringes of what's generally accepted by the masses and anti-war stuff...but that's for another post.

This has been written over an extended period. I've been saving it for a slow-Life-day when I haven't subjected anyone to anything serious for a while. Ha! Now I can add self-delusional to newsaholic. Judging from the volume of comments, nobody really reads this stuff anyway.

Gave up on the movie idea. We're planning on the Nepalese place for dinner, but I haven't even made it as far as the shower yet. (I guess this qualifies as a slow-Life-day).


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