Monday, August 15, 2005

Second First Blog

Today was Taka's last day of O-bon vacation. We didn't do much of anything.

At Taka's request (and my pleasure), we have worked our way through almost all of the Star Wars series during her week off. We will rent episode II maybe next Friday and see episode III at the theater over the weekend.

Yesterday (ignore time of postings...if I'm still awake, it was yesterday) was pretty cool. We woke up in time to catch the first train (5:16 a.m.) and went to Tsukiji. After walking through the market for a while, we found Daiwa Sushi. Ever since I've heard of Tsukiji, I've wanted to try Daiwa. We waited in line for something like 40 min., but it was worth it. It was by far the best sushi I've ever had. I don't think it can be topped.

I usually go to bed somewhere between 2-5 a.m. (when I don't need to get up for work). This is definitely something I need to work on if I'm ever to become a semi-normal human being. Yesterday, we went to Tsukiji, walked around the market, waited in line, ate sushi, went to Starbuck's for coffee and still made it home by 11:00a.m.! That's a new one on me.

I'll save the completely mundane and rants for future postings. Getting tired and still need to make rice and do the the dishes before bed if I want to stay married.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aha, So you made it to Daiwa Sushi! I have to say I'm a bit cut... You were willing to wait in line for 40 minutes with Taka but not me? Hmph! Ha Ha Ha ! ! ! Sure, the time we went it was very cold and you were... let's just say you've seen better mornings...
You have to promise me that the next time I'm in town you're going to be fit for the experience. Please...
So, I want to know a little more about the how it tasted. Is it really that much better than the standard sushi shop? What was the best "neta" on the day you were there? Tell me more.

11:42 PM, August 15, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...


Really the best sushi I've ever had, bar none. We got the set. ¥3,700 and worth every yen.

We weren't wet or freezing, and I went on the first train, not after a night in Roppongi. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't make it there with my brother either. :-)

You were the first to post anything on the blog. You win...well, nothing. But you were the first!

12:32 AM, August 16, 2005  

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