Sunday, August 21, 2005

Unfulfilled plans

We didn't end up doing anything today (I did manage the shower/shave though).

I'm not sure if it's a politeness thing or if she really wants it, but Taka says she wants to go to the Nepalese place tomorrow night when she's finished work. Sadly enough, it's all the same to me. I haven't been working enough lately to make a Monday seem all that different from a Sunday.

Dinner's gonna be some fantastic unagi (eel) that Taka's grandmother sent as a summer gift. It's pre-cooked, sauced, vacuum-packed and came with a finishing sauce and condiments. We froze what we couldn't finish. I'll make it "unadon" style. We haven't tried any of the frozen stuff yet, but it was awesome when we first got it!

The bean salad turned out to be excellent. That, leftover potato salad, some sauteed baby asparagus spears, and a few tomato wedges will likely go with the rice for Taka's bento tomorrow.

I feel like such the housewife...

...and he heads for the store(s).


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