Wednesday, August 24, 2005

New gig

I got a new gig yesterday. Kind of sketchy as it was all done over the internet and will continue to be done so. Kind of good in that I work at my own pace, get paid based on volume and there are no deadlines (also a little sketchy). I've been told that I'm way too cynical about this though. If it works out, it's actually a pretty good fit for me.

It's writing TOEIC material for a company here in Tokyo. We'll see how it works out. It certainly matches my insomniatic lifestyle and uncertain schedule. One section of the test they've asked me to do is a piece of cake. The other requires a bit more thought and work.

The downside is that I need to do the writing in Word. I have a version of Office for Mac, but it's in Japanese. I've used it for past jobs but not in the last two years. I'm going to have to re-learn at least the basics...which will mean memorizing where anything I need is. Oh well, Taka loves helping me with this kind of stuff so much it'll be no problem........excuse me, was kind of choking there for a minute. ;-)

I just found out that Taka will be out of town on business for the night we have tickets to see Chicago. I asked a friend to go see it with me (pretty good seats too). I'm sorry that Taka's going to miss it. I've been really looking forward to it. I hope it's as good as The Producers.

Taka's also out of town tomorrow night. There's a typhoon on the way, so who knows what that'll do to her plans.

There's a new link (even though I'm really beginning to doubt anyone's really reading this blog anyway...with one seemingly anonymous exception). It's to InformationClearinghouse (ICH). My two favorite news sites are now linked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi buddy,
Anonymous here again...
Your daily updates are one thing I look forward to!
Keep them coming. :D

11:36 PM, August 24, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...

Glad at least one person checks them out (Daniel).

I might just keel over if my family actually starts participating!

Keep checking! Let's see how long before I slowly fade......

1:24 AM, August 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You crack me up :D

9:35 AM, August 25, 2005  

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