Thursday, August 25, 2005

Typhoon's a'comin'

Ha! Three apostrophes in what would be counted as two words on my new gig (not that anything but "typhoon" would actually be considered a word). There's been a lot to getting started on that, but I think most of it has been worked out. I'll know more in a few days. I'll keep you (all one of you, based on the comments section) posted as things evolve.

There is a typhoon coming. It should hit here later tonight sometime. In the meantime we have calm periods interspersed with heavy rain and gusty winds. Right now it's just rainy out. I don't think it'll amount to much. It's not a very strong typhoon and actual landfall is pretty far from here...even if it is supposed to then head straight for Tokyo.

I've said it before: Earthquakes terrify me. I really hate bad weather...but violent weather is cool! I've gone to the beach during hurricanes and even went for a walk during the worst blizzard in Maryland's recorded history (in Ocean City). I've been known to go for a walk when typhoons are at their closest. Believe it or not, I'm not totally reckless. I don't want to be hurt or worse. I am very careful of blowing material, etc., but there's just something about the violence of severe weather...

Tonight's probably won't be worth a walk.

Taka's gone till tomorrow night. Whoohoo! It's a running joke with Taka and I that every time she so much as stays out late, I have a wild party here and get everything back to the way it was before she returns. Her biggest kick out of that is the image that I think I can even gather enough people for a wild party (let alone convince them to come here).

Tonight, of course, there's the typhoon, the lack of party money (or more acurately, motivation), and most importantly, the fact that I have to be out of the house before 8:00 tomorrow morning. Speaking as a voice-over artist and narrator, I can say confidently that late nights and alcohol are really big no-no's on nights before early jobs (and that does seem to be age related).

Is it maturity or just age that makes a quiet night at home sound good? My last all-nighter in Roppongi was mostly spent with a headache waiting for the first train...what ever happened to the Steve of yesteryear that would have been looking for that club that specializes in the 5-9 a.m. crowd? *sigh*

Anyway, time to make dinner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what ever happened to the Steve of yesteryear that would have been looking for that club that specializes in the 5-9 a.m. crowd?


I'll tell you what happened to that Steve... He's gotten older and balder... :D

10:35 AM, August 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,
Your latest posting has to be your best to date! I loved it. It brought back memories from my days in Japan. I can still remember my first typhoon... the rain seemed as though it wouldn't stop. And as for walking in the rain, well that was just plain silly as the rain seemed to come from all angles. You really ought to buy yourself a rainsuit if you plan to go for walks... I did.
Anyway, thanks for the trip down memory lane...

11:20 AM, August 26, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...


I shave my head!!!!!

3:27 PM, August 26, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...


3:45 PM, August 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think what you like Kojak!

12:29 AM, August 27, 2005  
Blogger Steve said...

Who loves ya baby?!

*gave up the lolipops though*

10:20 PM, August 27, 2005  

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