Friday, February 17, 2006


CNN...the best comedy money can buy...

I just saw a sound bite from Wolf Blitzer asking, " what do you want the world to know?"...followed immediately about a story of a lost dog in a New York airport. That was followed by a story on whether or not Johnny Weir is really gay (with some wonderful put-downs of both Desperate Housewives and American Idle...both, no doubt deserved...but STILL!). In this day and age what possible relation does any of that have to anything outside of tabloids?

That all occurred during what was as near as I could tell was essentially a 25 min. promo of snowboarding as a sport. Not that isn't, but where in any of the above was anything worthy of news?.

Apparently the rest of the world (aside from those being vilafied for protesting offensive images in print) is just fine. There was also a wonderful story on how the "Freedom Fries" issue has now become a a verbal protest on Danishes.

I now feel truly informed! I can't understand why mainstream media is losing so much viewership, when the irony and chance for comedic routines is running at such a fevered pitch! Please don't let me even consider that they are just showing what people really want to see...There are some things just too horrible to consider!

Has there EVER been an easier time for comedians?!

Glad to see what news is really of interest! Maybe if Chaney shot another person in the head (while aiming at a little ground-walking bird), it might get almost as much time as that lost doggie in NY! Tens of thousands dead in Iraq for what amounts to a lie, sanctioned torture, the Constitution being essentially turned into a useless pice of historically interesting paper, but we need a helicopter shot of the search for the missing dog (which in all fairness is a champion Whippet!).


Blogger Steve said...

I just saw a story that quoted VP Cheney as saying that "...accidents do and will happen." and saying that he was sorry about all the attention this had brought on him and his family.

Steve's paraphrase:

"Sorry I shot you in the head dude, but accidents happen, I hate how much this inconveniences ME!"

2:35 PM, February 18, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...

Forgot to answer the only question actually asked. Sorry! It's CNNJ...and while that's considered to be CNNJapan, pretty much all the newscasters are British and based in London. I also see the U.S. version of CNN Headlines from time to time. The humor (or "humour" in the case of CNNJ) value remains pretty much the same.

2:46 PM, February 18, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...

The jokes just keep coming...Now a lawyer apologizes to Cheney for the trouble he caused by being shot in the head. Man, how powerful IS Cheney?!

7:06 PM, February 18, 2006  

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