Thursday, May 11, 2006


No reference to my aunt's age intended, but she said something to me on a recent visit that stuck (kind of like thrown, wet toilet paper). She said that I had another age-related crisis coming. To put it as bluntly as it feels, "FUCK!!!!!". Turning 40 wasn't bad enough?!!!

I didn't do "40" well. My wife and friends will attest to that. I could talk about clinical depression or the whole mid-age thing, but truth-be-known, I was just Hell-on-Earth to be around for about six months before, and almost as long after my 40th birthday. Somebody please tell me that I'm not going to have to subject those around me to a another whole year of that!

Thoughts about age are something that comes up randomly. They attack from the back and side (like a tiger). When exactly do the attractive women casually looked at during the course of a day all become young enough to be your daughter? When exactly do you start looking for excuses for the pain it takes to get out of a chair after a nice rest? When exactly does age become a topic for conversation (or blog topics)?

I'm not really as bad as I sound. I'm not entering the abyss that was "40". Frankly, it's as much an intellectual stretch as anything else to talk about this...still... You know that "good pain" you get from a recent workout after a long break? Is that supposed to be the feeling after a day of showing your neighborhood to your visiting Mom?

Please save the "You're not old!" replies. First of all, they aren't all that necessary. I don't feel all that "old". Second of all, you must be either (a) a lot older than me, or (b) lying. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that my back kind of hurts from that unplanned nap on the sofa yesterday.

If Life is a journey, then can I start back from about the half-way point? :-)

Gotta go. Shopping for a bright yellow 2-seater. Really fast, and oh so cool! The chicks really dig it!



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