Thursday, March 16, 2006

Why Me?

Why me, indeed!

Once again I find myself at the computer with one leg propped up and an ankle on ice. I'm reasonably sure this is unrelated to gout (other than the cumulative joint damage it causes over time).

Yesterday morning I woke several hours before my planned time to wake up to make my ritual trip to the bathroom before returning to bed. Well, you know how if you sleep with a hand or foot in a strange position for too long it is a little stiff and sore just until you slowly stretch it out a little? That happened to my ankle...but aside from being half asleep, I REALLY had to go to the bathroom. The pain was instant but bearable, and I was back to bed in to time.

Yesterday I limped around a little, it hurt a little I went to the store for dinner stuff and it hurt a little more (and was a bit swollen), but still no real big deal. Today when I woke up, it was a little swollen, but I pretty much spent the whole day doing little that required much more than a trip to the kitchen, etc....Until it was time to shop for and make dinner. The more shopping, the more pain. Fixing dinner almost killed me. Right now it looks and feels like a sprained ankle.

I don't eat meat. I don't consume any dairy. I eat very few processed foods of any kind. And I haven't had anything but water, green tea , juice and an occasional coffee to drink in close to a month. So what's up with the ankle!!!!!

Whining, complaints, and general ranting done for now (although Taka may have to suffer through a bit more before the night's through.

I spent a large part of today fact-checking my next post. It's inspired by the latest case of Mad Cow discovered in the States. That'll be up soon.

I have an early job tomorrow. It'll be yet another embarrassing day if I need to take my cane (bad enough that I have one to take!).


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