Monday, June 26, 2006

New Blog

I originally wanted this blog to be a place where family and friends could quickly and easliy get caught up on what's happening around me...even see a few pictures that I wouldn't bother to e-mail out to everyone. Kind of a public diary of sorts. I also wanted it as a bit of a soapbox to cause people to think about what is going on in the world around us. Those two things aren't meshing very well, so I've decided to split them up.

This will continue on as a kind of public diary (of sorts). The rest (politics, news, and most "soapbox" stuff) will from here out be at Think About It Now which can be found at:

I'm busy getting that started just now, but will post to this one soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, tried the link, only to find myself at s-martin... where's your soapbox?

11:55 AM, June 29, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...


Thanks for the heads up. The links are fixed now.

If I had ever completed my homepage, I could have at least pretended it was a sleazy attempt at self-advertising.

12:53 PM, June 29, 2006  

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