Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Since the weather's been changing I've been sleeping more (and better), getting outside more, and using the computer those of you I owe letters can attest to.

Last week was a three day weekend, and since we haven't really done anything in a while, Taka suggested a day-trip to Nikko. Niether of us has been (and I rarely get the chance to visit historic or world heritage sites), so I jumped at the chance.

It drizzled a little, but not enough to affect the day. We had a really good time. Here are some pics:

This is some bridge. It was the first place we saw. The internet tells me it's called The Sacred Bridge and is really just a newer bridge built where the original one was...of course the newer, current bridge was built in the 1630's.
The insane people you might be able to see walking on it, paid $5 for the privilage...and they can't even fully cross. They can just go out on it, come back, and then cross the river on the bridge I'm standing on in this picture. You can't tell from this shot, but that river is really cool. Just under the bridge it's like 9-12 ft. deep and a raging, torrent of water.

We bought tickets to see the inside of 5 temples and shrines in Nikko's World Heritage Site park. Unfortunately, no pictures are allowed inside, but even the outside of these places were some of the best that I've ever seen. Inside one of the places behind the Bhudda was a room with a huge dragon painted on the ceiling (all these places are dragon-themed). The priest/guide showed us something really cool. He banged two sticks together (I forget what they are called, but they are used in traditional music, sumo tournaments, etc.). Really loud, but no big deal...then he stood dirctly under the dragon's head and did it again. An almost metalic-like resonating ring lasted almost a full minute after the strike. Very cool!

Here are a few shots from the day:

This is just one side of the entryway to one of the temple courtyards. The picture doesn't do it credit, but it is a huge wall filled with wood carvings of the most fantastic kind (matched on the other side of the entrance).

One of the guardians of a temple gate. Usually they are demon-like creatures, but here they were human warriors.

Once again, the picture doesn't do it justice but the woodwork, contrast and style just blew me away. (This is above a shrine door).

A lantern garden. I bet it would be really cool all lit up at night.

The sacred shrine of the cartoon frog. (Need I say more?)

And we finished it all off with a fantastic dinner.
Featuring lots and lots of Yuba (made from skimming off the top of the vat durring the process of making tofu). It was fantastic!!

All in all, a great day!


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