Tuesday, October 24, 2006

River Ride

I started this the day before yesterday, but in my usual timely fashion, I am just getting to finishing and posting it today.

I went for a bike ride along the river today. According to the markers, I did about 45 km. (about 28 miles). I strongly suspect that I may regret it come tomorrow. It's been a pretty long time since I've done a trip that far by bike.

At the time I left (after lunch), the weather forecast was for partly sunny to turn into mostly cloudy. They kind of left out the part about a weather front moving through with strong wind gusts and driving rain, followed by steady rain with little or no wind. That part would have been good to know. I fought against wind (until it slacked) and pretty heavy rain all the way back. It was a solid hour after dark by the time I dripped into the front door of this place.

No one that has come to visit me has seen the river near my place. Not that it's a must-see spot on the tourist regime or anything, but it's pretty cool. It's designed for both flood control and park-like conditions. There is roughly 100 yards of flat land on either side of the river, with about a 40-50 foot high hill on either side of that. From where the river meets the bay all the way up to the 24 km. marker, it's baseball field after baseball field after soccer field. Past that, there are driving ranges, short golf courses...then a real golf course (probably a par three).

The top of the "hill" on my side of the river is a small, paved bicyle/jogging path that runs well beyond the 20-some km. I did away from Tokyo Bay (whatever direction that might be from here...I think it's North) today. I've been as far as 30 km. one way before and there was no end in sight.

Before the weather changed on me, I took a few pictures with Taka's new digital camera.

These are some flowers that were in a bed next to a soccer field. I don't know what they are called in English, but they are called Kosmos in Japanese.

When I was a good 13 miles up the path, I was ready for a break. I went down toward the river (a lot more countryside at that point). I took this path, thinking it was a fisherman's path to the river. I ended up in a homeless person's living room. I apologized and went back to the main "road" and went another mile or so.

This is where I stopped for my break. You can't tell from this, but I'm kind of under a train bridge. A little french bread, an apple and some Shiraz...right about the time I realize the weather is changing.

The trip back was pretty horrific. A nice time till then though. I wasn't as bad as I expected the next day, either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve, I wanted to point this out a while back but never got around to it... The flower you wrote about, "Kosmos" is really the same in English as well, only spelled with a "C" as Cosmos. The Japanese write it as "autumn" and "cherry" as in 秋桜, though they still read this as cosmos for whatever reason they have... though the proper reading would be "aki zakura". Ask Taka for a confirmation... Hope the Japanese characters come through. Best of luck to you with the trip to Kochi!

8:20 PM, December 08, 2006  

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