Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Computer (W)ails

After 17 hours on the computer yesterday and several hours on the phone today, I can't believe I'm even managing a post here now.

While Mac's are much less prone to crashes than other types of computers, they nevertheless happen. I had some fairly serious (though not as bad as they could have been) computer problems yesterday. After a few unusual crashes, I ran a software fix program that I've used many times before. It didn't work the first time actually shut itself down. I ran it again. Without getting into too many details, it found a lot lot of corrupted files (overlapped) and more or less fixed the situation.

When my computer came back on (and I actually clapped with relief when it did), I discovered that while everything else was fine (and I AM grateful...all my pictures, music, bookmarks, misc. work, etc were fine), my mail program and my calendar/schedule book suddenly were as if they were turned on for the first time, same with all the basic settings for the computer as a whole (Appearance, general preferences, etc.). That was about the time that I realized that the last time I backed up my computer was March.

After hours upon hours of trying to retrieve what was lost, I readjusted everything to the way I like it and figured I'd just have to bite the bullet as far as all e-mail went. I knew that all was not lost as far as my schedule went though. My Palm was still cool. In fact, it can synch with my calendar/scheduler and I could bring that up to date easily. Yeah... When I tried that, my computer erased out my entire schedule off my Palm (rather than my Palm filling-in the computer). One of the results was me being a half hour late for a job today.

I know to back-up important stuff regularly. Everyone knows. In fact, I was just thinking about it the other day...



So here's the current deal... Anyone that owes me mail can lie and say you sent it yesterday. Anyone I owe mail to will have to deal with the fact that I am starting from scratch (actually, from March since I reinstalled back-ups).

As best as memory serves...I don't work tomorrow. I'm debating getting an external hardrive to backup the whole computer regularly. They are really cheap right now. Tomorrow's plan: After sleeping to an unbelievably late hour, I'll back up the important parts of what I have and give the rest some thought. Taka has been great through my recent obsession, and I made it up to her (a very tiny bit) by a good dinner tonight...I plan on making tomorrow two in a row.

Time to get away from this thing for a while.

Told you guys that this site would be more like an online diary...the other site is for those less faint of heart!

Try this: Think About It Now which can be found at: if clicking on the link doesn't work.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Excuses, excuses...

I've recently been accused of not staying on top of correspondence. Partially correct...and if you are a steady reader of this blog, then skip to the third paragraph (consisting of two words). Otherwise, choose from the following whatever feels the closest to the truth or puts you most at ease.

- You sent me mail?
- It was your turn.
- I must have accidentally erased it.
- You didn't get it?
- It's been damned hot in here.
- I haven't checked the computer in a while.
- I've been answering them in order...but I have SOO many friends...
- I was sick.
- I thought I answered it.
- Your last must have been routed to my junk mail folder.

My bad!

Not really a lot to write about. Taka was off for Obon last week. We didn't do much...a little shopping, out to lunch/dinner, that kind of thing. Found a new favorite Thai place. Did a more thorough check of Omotesando Hills (a mall way out of our price range) where we did find a very cool wine shop. There was also a really cool sake place, but both in one day would have been a bit much. I worked a few days. No Obon for narrators (thank god), although the the week after seems lacking...

Man, is it hot!!!! My body is just not built for hot weather. Taka jokes that I wear a permanent wool vest, which explains my feeling this time of year. ...maybe a full-body wax, followed by electrolysis...

I was going to end this after that last...but felt it somehow left an image that would leave you all a little nauseous.

The first sign of Autumn has come. Both Kirin and Sapporro have their autumn taste beers on the shelves. Last year, Kirin's Aki Aji (Autumn Taste) beer was horrible...I'm sad to say that this year's is fantastic.

Truth be told, very few people read this and I really do have a lot of e-mail to catch up on...

In a political kind of mood or looking for someone to argue with? Check out my recent post at: Think About It Now which can be found at: This reminder will be on the next few posts.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I've been called on for not updating this for a while (fairly) .

Not too much going on Steve's world recently. Today hasn't been too bad, but it's been HOT!! I've got a couple of jobs tomorrow and Friday and a party on Sunday (Monday starts a four day holiday).

Somebody moved out of the building yesterday, and man, did they pick the wrong movers! The older of the two guys talked like he was inside of a crowded bar even though the day (aside from him) was very quiet. They brought all this stuff downstairs and had to park it in the lobby, because they waited to bring the heavy stuff that had to be in the back of the truck until last. They took longer breaks than I thought possible, and worst of all was the fact that they were practically bouncing furniture off walls. The older guy was obviously drunk off his ass. I'd have been furious.

I will confess to being nosy (although I like think of it as having a curious nature), but in my defense, this computer (my office) has a ground-floor window that faces about everything in the lobby and bike parking area.

The other night I had to endure a 30-minute lecture (in Japanese) by a police officer that was told repeatedly that I don't speak the language. The lecture would have to be titled, "How dangerous it is to ride a bike at night with no headlight". He didn't seem to care that my light had just broken, that I offered to replace it that minute (we were in front of a store) OR the Philippino prostitute soliciting services not 25 feet away. I paid twenty bucks for a new light only to discover the old one worked after all...THEN got hit by a car on my way home!!! (No cops then!).

I wasn't hurt. I was barely touched, though I did fall over. Mostly, I just over-balanced during a fast stop. The girl driving the car was bawling so hysterically, I couldn't even get mad. I just disgustedly said I was fine, picked myself up and rode home. She looked too young to even drive. Except for a slightly sore arm the next day, I barely felt it. That brings my total for being hit by cars in Tokyo to 2. The total for all of Japan is something like 4 (not counting very near-misses). Should I considered my life charmed (still breathing), or cursed (four accidents and more than a few close calls)?

Still thinking about my trip home. It was the best trip back that I can remember. I wish Taka had gone with me.

No pictures to post this time, but I'll try for one or two in the next entry.

Time to shop for dinner

This blog will continue on as a kind of public diary (of sorts). The rest (politics, news, and most "soapbox" stuff) will from here out be at Think About It Now which can be found at: This reminder will be on the next few posts.