Monday, July 23, 2007


Was that last post negative, or what?! I guess extended periods of pain and lack of sleep will do that to you...

Just got back from the States last week. It was a very good trip (Detroit, TSA excepted). Pictures can be found at:

I'm slowly trying to get back to something close to "normal". The wrist is a lot better (though worse for the hearty American hand-shaking I got during the trip). I'd put it at about 80%. I've been doing rehab on my own. Next will be a bit of serious exercise to combat the time spent on the sofa.

I came back to a sizzle and pop that was the end of my computer. I miss it. Couldn't afford another one...and yet here I type. The old one is on the floor next to me. Thank god I backed up all my important stuff to an external hard drive before I left.

The new computer is... :-)

More soon