Monday, March 05, 2007

More Randomness

- I have had three running days of intense headaches. They seem to come on in late afternoon or early evenings...which sucks because I hate mornings anyway.

- I passed this little clock and watch shop today. It was around 6:45. Every clock in the place was at 10:12...I hope humor was involved.

- Pulled over by the cops the night before last. It was kind of a random thing, they were pulling over cars too. It took 45 minutes to explain why I didn't have that little piece of paper that explains that I'm under application for my otherwise expired ID card....they seemed to have passed on the four people I saw riding bikes with no lights while text messaging on their cellphones though. You can believe that I keep that piece of paper with me now...except, I can pick up the new ID from tomorrow.

There's flower called chinchoge in Japanese...I have no idea of it's English name. It smells a little like Jasmine. It's very strange looking and has the most intense and wonderful aroma. You can smell them from a block away. They're in bloom now. I think I'm gonna get me one of those plants (kind of a bush actually). It looks like it's from another plantet and smells like cool is THAT?!

In a moment of serious irritation I started what might be the beginnings of Spring cleaning today. If I keep at it, I could be done by August.

Our next door neighbors moved out. That makes something like five or six since we moved in...maybe I need focus on keeping the TV and stereo volume a little lower...or tone down the woofer. I'm half kidding. There seems to be some kind of recurring water problem over there. Not to be mean, but glad it's not an issue with this place.

Tomorrow is supossed to be 19C (66F). Man, I might have to skip the cleaning and get out on the bike.

Stayed up to an ungodly time last night (this morning) hoping to see the lunar eclipse. To cloudy...then it was sunny all day.

That's all the randomness I can come up with at the moment....except for this: